Why you should keep an eye out for concrete cracks in your home
Concrete is a common material that is found in many structures in your house. It's a durable material that requires little to no maintenance. However, the problem with concrete is that the material is prone to cracking. In most cases, concrete cracks are not signs of substantial damage, and you should not worry. However, there are also cracks that should be a cause of worry, and knowing what these are can help you find problems with your house as soon as possible and thus save it from becoming even more damaged.
Structural cracks
Types of cracks that are an immediate cause of worry are the cracks that occur in load bearing structures. These are called structural cracks and can be a sign of something being seriously wrong with your house. Keep an eye out for cracks on load bearing pillars and walls, regardless of how big they are. Even small, hairline cracks can be a sign of serious trouble. If you do find cracks like these, you shouldn't wait to see if they are getting wider or longer; call for concrete services straight away to have a professional evaluate the crack and troubleshoot the problem that could be behind it. Repairing these cracks on your own is not advisable, as the crack itself isn't the main problem.
Non-structural cracks
If you find cracks in other areas than load bearing parts of your house, you might want to have them repaired as soon as possible anyway. They might not be a cause of concern by being a sign of something being wrong, but if a crack is left open for too long, it can allow moisture and dirt to enter the structure. If you get moisture into your wall, it could mean you'll have to deal with removing mould and mildew further down the line. Having the crack repaired immediately is an easier procedure than to have to sanitise the walls afterwards.
Horizontal structures
You should also keep an eye out for cracks in horizontal structures. Floor cracks or cracks in concrete driveways are even more prone to attract moisture than cracks in walls and ceilings, and they might also become a safety hazard. If you have wide cracks in your concrete driveway, for example, they might cause you to trip and fall if you aren't being careful. It also shortens the life length of your driveway, as moisture will affect it from the inside. Call a concrete service to have it repaired if you can't take care of it yourself, and invest in a concrete sealant product to protect your repaired driveway afterwards.
For more information about repairs for any cracks you see, contact local concrete services.